Meet MP Leona Alleslev our Shadow Minister for Global Security in Comox, March 5, 2019

Please Join our candidates Byron Horner (Courtenay-Alberni) and Shelley Downey (North Island-Powell River) for a public roundtable on Global Security/Foreign Affairs/Defence with Conservative Shadow Minister for Global Security, MP Leona Alleslev. MP Leona Alleslev, who left the Liberal Party and joined our party last September, will also give us her thoughts on why she left the Liberal Party.

Alleslev, a graduate of the Royal Military College and a former captain in the Royal Canadian Air Force, held senior positions at the Department of National Defence, IBM and aerospace manufacturer Bombardier before seeking the Liberal nomination for the Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill riding in 2014.

As set out in the attached article, from her perspective, the Liberal party did not adequately address some "foundational challenges" facing Canada. She cited the government's handling of the economy, tax reform, foreign affairs and trading relationships, and what she calls inadequate military spending, as the reasons motivating her to jump from the government bench to the Tories.

"My attempts to raise my concerns with this government were met with silence," Alleslev said in a speech in the House of Commons announcing her move. "It's my duty to stand and be counted. Our country is at risk. The government must be challenged openly and publicly.

Toronto-area Liberal MP Leona Alleslev crosses the floor to join Conservatives


Seating is limited. Please RSVP.

March 05, 2019 1:00 PM
Spinnaker Room at Marina Park, 127 Port August Road, Comox